Iron is very familiar in our lives, ironing is an adaptation of the Dutch Language strijkijzer (which means to remove wrinkles from clothes with a heated tool). When we crumpled clothes washed because depleted our usually use it to tidy up the clothes. However, not many people know the history of the board until the familiar as it is today. Here is the history of the board over time, until now:
Iron is believed began to be known and used by people since 400 BC by nation
Greece. The Romans also used the board noted that the shape is like now resembles a modern board. Iron is used by the Romans when it was called prelum. At that time, iron is used to make vertical folds on the clothes of greatness that will be used to perform certain rites or rituals. Based on other records, irons are also known and used by the Chinese around the 1st century BC. Iron is a metal pot that can be filled with hot coals (coals)
17th century
The beginning of the 17th century people used an iron known as sadiron derived from the ancient English sald which means this type solid.Setrika shaped thick metal pieces with a flat surface and a handle. In this period, the board then refined into a metal box that can be handled embers.
19th century
around th 1870 a housewife named Mary Florence Potts in Iowa find innovations that make ironing easier. I make sadiron with two sharp ends, which makes ironing easier two-way. The following year, Mary patenting the discoveries in the future is sadiron with a handle that can be removed, allowing sadiron heated without the need to heat up the handle as well.
20th century
Electric iron that was first patented in fact already in 1882 But this discovery is not successful precisely because it is difficult to use. At that time, not many people have electricity at home. Only in the early 20th century, electric irons and eventually became popular in the 1920s mucullah electric iron with a thermostat. Ironing so much easier, because we can adjust the temperature.
now this
At this time In addition to temperature control, there is also equipped with a water container that we can spray simultaneously when we ironed. There are also new forms of iron such as a vacuum cleaner that allows us to soften clothes. If using a steaming hot iron that is, we do not need to put clothes on the ironing board, but simply in the hanging course. Heavy irons are also more lightweight, even now there are irons that only weighs 1.5 ounces.
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